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Topp 20 listar

Uppáhalds skífurnar

1. Sgt. Peppers  The Beatles
2. Revolver  The Beatles
3. Blonde on Blonde  Bob Dylan
4. The Joshua Tree  U2
5. The Freewheelin  Bob Dylan
6. Bridge Over Troubled Water  Simon and Garfunkel
7. I´m Your Man  Leonard Cohen
8. Abbey Road  The Beatles
9. Graceland  Paul Simon
10. The Dream of the Blue Turtles  Sting
11. Bringing it All Back Home  Bob Dylan
12. Hotel California  Eagles
13. Rumours  Fleetwood Mac
14. Magical Mystery Tour  The Beatles
15. Tea For The Tillerman  Cat Stevens
16. Whose Side Are You On  Matt Bianco
17. Breakfast in America  Supertramp
18. The Stranger  Billy Joel
19. A Night At The Opera  Queen
20. When The World Knows Your Name  Deacon Blue 

The Beatles

Uppáhalds lögin

1. My Way  Frank Sinatra
2. Father and Son  Cat Stevens
3. Yesterday     The Beatles
4. Bridge Over Troubled Water  Simon and Garfunkel
5. Every Breath You Take  The Police
6. Brownsville Girl  Bob Dylan
7. With Or Without You  U2
8. Hotel California  Eagles
9. Fly Me to the Moon  Frank Sinatra
10. Something  The Beatles
11. In My Life  The Beatles
12. Don´t Think Twice It´s Allright  Bob Dylan
13. Imagine  John Lennon
14. Roxanne  The Police
15. Bohemian Rapsody  Queen
16. House of the Rising Sun  The Animals
17. To Make You Feel my Love   Bob Dylan
18. Starman  David Bowie
19. Everybody Hurts  REM
20. Strawberry Fields Forvever  The Beatles
21. Blowin´ in the Wind  Bob Dylan
22. Perfect Day  Lou Reed
23. Paint it black  Rolling Stones
24. Take this Waltz  Leonard Cohen
25. Just the way you are  Billy Joel

                                                                                                Simon and Garfunkel
Photo Cat Stevens

Uppáhalds kvikmyndirnar

  1. The Deer Hunter 1978
  2. Amélie 2001
  3. Deliverance 1972
  4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo´s nest 1975
  5. City Lights 1931
  6. The Godfather Part I og II 1972 og 1974
  7. The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957
  8. Platoon 1986
  9. La Vita Bella 1997
  10. Léon 1994
  11. Braveheart 1995
  12. Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981
  13. Hannah and Her Sisters 1986
  14. The Shawshank Redemption 1994
  15. His Girl Friday 1940
  16. Tootsie 1982
  17. The Pink Panther Strikes Again 1979
  18. On the Waterfront 1954
  19. Modern Times 1936
  20. The Accidental Tourist 1988
  21. Midnight Express 1978
  22. Airplane 1980
  23. The Kid 1921
  24. Rain Man 1988
  25. Spartacus 1960
  26. Groundhog Day 1993
  27. To Kill a Mockingbird 1962
  28. Rebecca 1940
  29. Being There 1979
  30. Young Frankenstein 1974


Bestu leikararnir


  1. Al Pacino
  2. Paul Newman
  3. Laurence Olivier
  4. Charles Chaplin
  5. Gregory Peck
  6. Peter Sellers
  7. Dustin Hoffman
  8. William Hurt
  9. Jack Nicholson
  10. Cary Grant
  11. Robert De Niro
  12. Jim Carrey
  13. Jack Lemmon
  14. Henry Fonda
  15. Alec Guiness
  16. Marlon Brando
  17. Peter O´Toole
  18. Richard Harris
  19. James Stewart
  20. Jeff Bridges
  21. Nick Nolte
  22. Gary Oldman
  23. Robin Williams
  24. Christopher Walken
  25. Kirk Douglas
  26. Woody Allen
  27. George C. Scott
  28. Kevin Bacon
  29. Richard Burton
  30. Daniel Day Lewis

Al Pacino
                                                                Paul Newman

Gregory Peck Gregory Peck

Bestu leikkonurnar


  1. Meryl Streep
  2. Jessica Lange
  3. Katharine Hepburn
  4. Sophia Loren
  5. Ellen Burstyn
  6. Joan Allen
  7. Ingrid Bergman
  8. Shirley Maclaine
  9. Jane Fonda
  10. Sigourney Weaver
  11. Anne Bancroft
  12. Cate Blanchett
  13. Emily Watson
  14. Diane Keaton
  15. Sissy Spacek
  16. Geena Davis
  17. Sally Field
  18. Susan Sarandon
  19. Frances McDormand
  20. Nicole Kidman

Meryl Streep 
Ingrid Bergman Ingrid Bergman


Sophia Loren

Uppáhalds bækurnar

1. Stríð og friður   Leo Tolstoj
2. Vesalingarnir   Victor Hugo
3. Hobbit   J.R.R. Tolkien
4. Mýs og menn   John Steinbeck
5. Sjálfstætt fólk   Halldór Laxness
6. Þorpið  Jón úr Vör
7. Þyrnar  Þorsteinn Erlingsson
8. Sherlock Holmes   Arthur Conan Doyle
9. Animal Farm   George Orwell
10. Kvæði og kviðlingar  Bólu Hjálmar
11. Brennu Njáls Saga
12. Cannery Row   John Steinbeck
13. Þar sem Djöflaeyjan rís   Einar Kárason
14. Fagra veröld  Tómas Guðmundsson

Flettingar í dag: 63
Gestir í dag: 14
Flettingar í gær: 117
Gestir í gær: 23
Samtals flettingar: 110020
Samtals gestir: 26870
Tölur uppfærðar: 12.3.2025 10:08:42